

For the purposes of this Agreement:

Associated Persons means any person performing services for or on behalf of a party, including but not limited to subsidiaries, employees, agents, distributors and contractors;

Sanctioned Party means any party or parties listed on any list of designated or other restricted parties maintained under Trade Restrictions, including but not limited to the Consolidated List of Financial Sanctions Targets in the UK maintained by HM Treasury, the consolidated list of persons, groups and entities subject to EU financial sanctions maintained by the European Commission, and the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List maintained by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control;

Trade Restrictions means any applicable export control, trade or economic sanctions, embargo or similar laws, regulations, rules, licences, orders or requirements including without limitation those of the UN, UK, U.S. and the EU.

1. Trade Restrictions

1.1. The Supplier hereby acknowledges and agrees that the supply of the equipment and/or provision of services to SunTech Medical Device (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd (hereafter refer as SunTech) may be subject to Trade Restrictions. The Supplier is solely responsible for complying with and shall not do anything which would cause SunTech to be in breach of, Trade Restrictions.  In particular, the Supplier agrees that it:

1.1.1. will obtain and maintain any required export licence or other governmental approval and complete such formalities as may be required under Trade Restrictions in order to supply the equipment and/or services to SunTech;

1.1.2. will not supply to SunTech any equipment or services that have been sourced, directly or indirectly, from: (i) any country, territory, or destination with which SunTech, as a matter of policy, does not conduct business, (including but without limitation to Iran, Syria, Sudan, Cuba, Crimea & Sevastopol and North Korea, and any other territory subject to comprehensive Trade Restrictions from time to time); (ii) any other territory from which the supply of the equipment and/or services would be restricted or prohibited under Trade Restrictions (subject to the Supplier obtaining any and all licences and/or approvals required to make such a supply); or (iii) any Sanctioned Party (or any party owned or controlled by a Sanctioned Party); and

1.1.3. will carry out sanctions screening checks on its suppliers (including their shareholders, beneficial owners and senior management) prior to its procurement of equipment and/or services in connection with this Agreement in order to ensure compliance with this clause 1.

1.2. Nothing in this clause 1 shall require either party to act in any way contrary to any blocking or antiboycott laws with jurisdiction over such party's operations, including (if applicable) the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law of the People's Republic of China.

2. Compliance with laws

2.1. Supplier agrees to comply with the following:

2.1.1 all local and national laws in the territories in which it operates;

2.1.2 all applicable laws, regulations, codes and sanctions relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption, and in particular Supplier shall not:

(a) make any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorise the giving of any monies or financial or other advantage to any person:

(i) for the purpose of inducing or rewarding that person (or any other person) to perform their role or function improperly;

(ii) for the purpose of influencing a public official in relation to any decision, act or other performance (including failure to perform) of their official role or function, with the intention of obtaining or retaining business or a business advantage; or

(iii) that is otherwise for the purpose of improperly obtaining or retaining business or a business advantage of any kind;

(b) request, agree to receive, or accept, any monies or financial or other advantage in return or as a reward for performing their role or function improperly; or

(c) engage in any other activity, practice or conduct which would constitute an offence under any other applicable anti-corruption or anti-bribery legislation, or that would place SunTech in breach of such legislation;

2.1.3 all applicable taxation laws and shall in particular not commit an offence of cheating the public revenue or an offence consisting of the evasion of tax, or the facilitation of tax evasion by another person;

2.1.4 all applicable anti-slavery and human trafficking laws including The Modern Slavery Act 2015 or any activity, practice or conduct that would constitute an offence under sections 1, 2 or 4 of the same Act; and

2.1.5 the Halma plc Group Code of Conduct as updated or amended from time to time, which may be found on the Halma website (www.halma.com).

3. Procedures and controls

3.1. The Supplier confirms it will at all times during the term of this Agreement:

3.1.1. have in place effective policies and procedures to ensure compliance with this Agreement (and in particular the laws referenced at clauses 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 above);

3.1.2. procure that its Associated Persons in respect of this Agreement and any other agreements with SunTech are aware of and comply with the provisions of clauses 1-3 of this Agreement;

3.1.3. maintain complete and accurate records of all transactions and payments related to this Agreement and any other agreement between the Supplier and SunTech and, on reasonable request, disclose details of those transactions and payments to SunTech;

3.1.4. on reasonable request confirm in writing to SunTech that it has complied with the requirements of this Clause [and, if so requested, allow SunTech to verify this compliance by way of an audit of its records]; and

3.1.5. immediately inform SunTech if it suspects or becomes aware of any breach of this Clause by it or any of its Associated Persons and provide detailed information about the breach.

4. Liability and Termination

4.1 In addition to any other remedy available to SunTech, the Supplier will indemnify, keep indemnified and hold harmless (on a full indemnity basis) SunTech and its affiliates, officers and personnel against all direct or indirect liabilities, claims, demands, damages, losses or expenses (including legal and other professional adviser’s fees and disbursements), interest and penalties suffered or incurred as a result of any breach by of the Supplier's obligations in clause 1-3 of this Agreement. This indemnity will not apply to any fine levied on SunTech as a result of SunTech’s criminal liability.

4.2 SunTech shall not be obliged to perform any obligation and shall have the right to terminate this Agreement and any other agreement with the Supplier, immediately and without being liable for any damages or costs of any kind, if in its sole discretion it reasonably believes that such performance in full or in part would be in violation of clauses 1-3 of this Agreement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, if such violation would be the result of any delay to, or refusal of, the grant of any licence required under applicable laws).

供應(yīng)商協(xié)議 - 合規(guī)條款





4. 貿(mào)易限制

1.1. 供應(yīng)商特此承認(rèn)并同意,向順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司提供設(shè)備或提供服務(wù)可能會受到貿(mào)易限制。供應(yīng)商全權(quán)負(fù)責(zé)遵守且不得做任何會導(dǎo)致順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司違反貿(mào)易限制的事情。特別是,供應(yīng)商同意以下內(nèi)容:

1.1.1. 將獲得并維持任何所需的出口許可證或其他政府批準(zhǔn),并完成貿(mào)易限制下可能要求的此類手續(xù),以便向 順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司 提供設(shè)備或服務(wù);

1.1.2. 不會向順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司提供任何直接或間接來自以下來源的設(shè)備或服務(wù):(i) 泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司根據(jù)政策不與之開展業(yè)務(wù)的任何國家、地區(qū)或目的地(包括但不限于到伊朗、敘利亞、蘇丹、古巴、克里米亞和塞瓦斯托波爾和朝鮮,以及不時受到全面貿(mào)易限制的任何其他領(lǐng)土); (ii) 根據(jù)貿(mào)易限制,設(shè)備或服務(wù)的供應(yīng)將受到限制或禁止的任何其他地區(qū)(取決于供應(yīng)商獲得提供此類供應(yīng)所需的任何和所有許可或批準(zhǔn)); (iii) 任何受制裁方(或受制裁方擁有或控制的任何一方);

1.1.3. 在采購與本協(xié)議有關(guān)的設(shè)備或服務(wù)之前,將對其供應(yīng)商(包括其股東、受益所有人和高級管理人員)進(jìn)行制裁篩選檢查,以確保遵守本條款 1。

1.2. 對業(yè)務(wù)有管轄權(quán)的任何一方不得以任何方式違反、封鎖或反抵制第 1 條中的任何內(nèi)容,包括(如適用)《中華人民共和國反外國制裁法》。

5. 遵守法律

2.2. 供應(yīng)商同意遵守以下規(guī)定:

2.1.6 其經(jīng)營所在地區(qū)的所有地方和國家法律;

2.1.7 所有與反賄賂和反腐敗有關(guān)的適用法律、法規(guī)、守則和制裁,尤其是供應(yīng)商不得:

(d) 向任何人提出任何要約、付款、承諾支付或授權(quán)給予任何金錢或財務(wù)或其他好處:

(i) 通過誘使或獎勵該人(或任何其他人)以達(dá)到不當(dāng)履行其職責(zé)或職能的目的;

(ii) 通過影響公職人員在其官方角色或職能中做出任何決定、行為或其他表現(xiàn)(包括不履行),以獲取或保留業(yè)務(wù)或業(yè)務(wù)優(yōu)勢的目的;

(iii) 其他為了不正當(dāng)?shù)孬@得或保留業(yè)務(wù)或任何類型的業(yè)務(wù)優(yōu)勢的目的;

(e) 要求、同意接受或接受任何金錢或財務(wù)或其他好處,作為不當(dāng)履行其職責(zé)或職能的回報或獎勵;

(f) 從事任何其他活動、實踐或行為,因違反任何其他適用的反腐敗或反賄賂立法構(gòu)成犯罪,或使順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司違反此類立法;

2.1.8 所有適用的稅法,特別是不得構(gòu)成欺騙公共收入的罪行或構(gòu)成逃稅的罪行,或協(xié)助他人逃稅的犯罪行為;

2.1.9 所有適用的反奴役和人口販運法律,包括 《2015 年現(xiàn)代奴役法》或根據(jù)該法第 1、2 或 4 條構(gòu)成犯罪的任何活動、做法或行為;

2.1.10 不時更新或修訂的 Halma plc 《集團(tuán)行為準(zhǔn)則》,可在 Halma 網(wǎng)站 (www.halma.com) 上找到。

6. 程序和控制

3.2. 供應(yīng)商確認(rèn)在本協(xié)議期限內(nèi)將始終:

3.1.6. 制定有效的政策和程序以確保遵守本協(xié)議(尤其是上文第 2.1.2 和 2.1.3 條中提及的法律);

3.1.7. 促使其與本協(xié)議,以及與順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司達(dá)成的任何其他協(xié)議有關(guān)的關(guān)聯(lián)人了解并遵守本協(xié)議第 1-3 條的規(guī)定;

3.1.8. 保存與本協(xié)議,以及供應(yīng)商與順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司之間的任何其他協(xié)議相關(guān)的所有交易和付款的完整和準(zhǔn)確記錄,并應(yīng)合理要求向順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司披露這些交易和付款的詳細(xì)信息;

3.1.9. 應(yīng)合理要求,以書面形式向順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司確認(rèn)其已遵守本條款的要求,并且,如要求,允許順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司 通過對其記錄的審計來驗證這種合規(guī)性;

3.1.10. 如果懷疑或得知順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司或其任何關(guān)聯(lián)人違反本條款,請立即通知 順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司,并提供有關(guān)違反的詳細(xì)信息。

4. 責(zé)任與終止

4.3 除了對順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司可用的任何其他補(bǔ)救措施外,供應(yīng)商將承擔(dān)就所有直接或間接責(zé)任、索賠、要求、損害、損失或因供應(yīng)商違反本協(xié)議第 1-3 條中的義務(wù)而遭受或招致的費用(包括法律和其他專業(yè)顧問的費用和支出)、利息和罰款。該賠償不適用于因 順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司的刑事責(zé)任而對順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司征收的任何罰款。

4.4 如果其自行決定合理地認(rèn)為此類全部或部分履行將違反本協(xié)議的第 1-3 條(包括,為免生疑問,如果此類違反是由于延遲或拒絕授予下所需的任何許可的結(jié)果適用法律),順泰醫(yī)療器材(深圳)有限公司 沒有義務(wù)履行任何義務(wù),并且有權(quán)立即終止本協(xié)議和與供應(yīng)商的任何其他協(xié)議,且無需承擔(dān)任何形式的任何損害或費用。